/** * declare 'ng-laravel' module with dependencies */ 'use strict'; angular.module("ng-laravel", [ 'ngSanitize', // it's require for some plugins 'ngRoute', // it's require for some plugins 'ngResource', // it's require for some plugins 'ngCookies',// it used to save some data in cookie like langKey and etc 'restangular', // AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily 'ui.router', // Powerful routing framework for AngularJS 'oc.lazyLoad', // Lazy load modules & components on page load in AngularJS 'ui.jq', // AngularJS module for jquery library loading 'ngAA', // authentication and authorization for angular and ui-router based on JWT security 'ngAnimate', // it's require for some plugins 'pascalprecht.translate',// i18n in your Angular apps, made easy 'anim-in-out', // An animation directive to use with ngAnimate 1.2+ and ui-router to animate effect in page load 'ncy-angular-breadcrumb', // Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states 'cfp.hotkeys', // Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your Angular apps 'angular-cache',//angular-cache is a very useful replacement for the Angular 1 $cacheFactory 'tmh.dynamicLocale',//Module to be able to change the locale at an angularjs application 'ui-notification',//Service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animating //'angulartics-scroll.js', //'angulartics.scroll', //'angulartics' ]); var app = angular.module('ng-laravel');